Trials Results 2024

SA Sheepdog Association National Championships
26-29 September 2024
Rhenosterfontein Farm,
Our 63rd National Championships was hosted by the Western Province Club on the farm
Rhenosterfontein of Attie and Karen Gunter just outside the coastal town of Witsand.
Attie runs a large flock of merinos on the picturesque property. Being a coastal town,
the wind can be unpredictable and it was only the day before the event started that the
field was set up, to take account of the weather forecast. We had a large square field
with a good covering of mixed grazing and from the handler’s post, the town and ocean
were visible in the distance.
From the post the course had a gradual slope down to the set out points with a few
subtle undulations and ridges which meant the sheep were out sight from the post for
the dogs in the qualifying round (at the 300m mark). For the semi-final and final runs,
the sheep were clearly visible all the way.
On Thursday the 26th the event got underway with the Novice championship. This is
open to any beginner dog capable of doing a 200m outrun and dogs currently in the
junior class. The course consisted of a 200m outrun, full drive and a pen, total 90
points. The handler may walk with the dog on the drive, but is penalised the more they
assist, at the pen there is a “wing” and the handler may move around. Attie provided a
flock of freshly shorn merino ewes that were in excellent condition. The most apt
description of their behaviour is “athletic” as true to the merino breed they just ran and
ran! Andrew Philip from Caledon judged the class. Surprisingly, penning was the
easier part, but hitting gates was a challenge as evidenced by the scores below. Jurie
vd Vyver with Cap was crowned SA Novice Champion 2024 with Lizette de Waal and
Lisa being the reserve champion. Scores as follows:
1. J vd Vyver Cap 65
2. L de Waal Lisa 61
3. R Pretorius Mieke 59
4. R vd Ruit Ren 45
5. E Jammy Brooklyn 45
That evening the Association held its annual general meeting and Pierre Strydom and
Bridget Lloyd were unanimously re-elected as President and Vice-President
The main event got underway on Friday morning and we were very privileged to have
Neil Gillon from Scotland judge the championships. Neil was accompanied by his wife
Wendy who took care of the scribing duties. This was their second visit to our country;
they were out in 2016 when Neil judged the nationals in Dullstroom in the north. The
course for the qualifying round was a 300m outrun, full drive, shed any two sheep and a
pen, total 100pts. This round also included the crowning of the junior champion which is
awarded to the highest scoring dog that started the season in the junior class.
The wind had come up, but was blowing from the west diagonally across the course
over the handler’s right shoulder. As mentioned earlier the sheep were not visible from
the dog’s level at the post, but came into view after a short distance on the outrun.
Nevertheless, a number of dogs were caught out and went wide in the direction of the
holding pen and had to be whistled in. Once again, the merinos were a real test, taking
off at speed from the release point. There was a very fine line between keeping contact
and pushing too much. WA Hugo with Mac were crowned SA Junior Champion 2024
and Yvan Fourie and Wimpie were the reserve junior champions. Scores for this round
as follows;
1. M Trollip Diesel 84
2. WA Hugo Mac 83
3. H vd Merwe Lisa 79
4. Y Fourie Kwagga 79
5. Y Fourie Wimpie 76
Saturday saw the top 30 dogs through to the semi-finals where they’d compete on a full
international qualifying course – 400m outrun, full drive, marked shed pen and single,
total 110pts. The forecast had been spot on and the wind was stronger. Once again,
the merinos were a real test with the cross drive especially difficult after the gates had
been narrowed. Also, with the ewes running, getting tight turns was almost impossible.
Scores for the semi-finals as follows;
1. M Trollip Diesel 91
2. R vd Ruit Hemp 73
3. R Pretorius Tess 71
4. B Lloyd Plaidy 71
5. A Philip Zap 71
Our annual prize giving dinner was held that evening at the River Breeze restaurant on
the banks of the Breede river; a picturesque venue with wonderful facilities where we
were served a delicious three course meal. Awards for achievements throughout the
year are handed out at the dinner. The major awards were as follows:
Best beginner Lee Young and Chui
SA Junior Dog of the Year WA Hugo and Mac
SA Senior Dog of the Year P Philip and Nan
SA Reserve Dog of the Year M Trollip and Diesel
SA Dog of the Year P Strydom and Mac
Most Consistent Dog over 2 Years M Trollip and Diesel
Leaving the venue after the dinner it was clear that the weather forecasts were still spot
on with rain and a strong icy wind.
The top 15 dogs from the previous day competed in the finals on Sunday with a double
lift, two packets of 10 sheep, 5 being collared and a time limit of 25 minutes. The wind
was icy and howling with gusts of up to 60km/h which made things really difficult.
Fortunately, Neil and Wendy were snug in the judge’s box, thanks to one of our
sponsors. We had to take down all our gazebos but the caterers managed to strap their
tent down. One of the toilets even blew over, fortunately no one was occupying it at the
Dogs were sent to the left first and with the first set out being directly downwind from
the post so the sound wasn’t too much of an issue, but for the turn back and second lift
the dogs only started to hear once they’d started the bring. The weather didn’t stop the
merinos from running, even in the larger packets, so getting the gates was difficult not to
mention keeping them in the ring for the shed. Ragni Pretorius and Tess were up first
and completed the course, only one of four combinations to do so. They ended up
winners on the day with Mark Trollip and Diesel running 13 th in second place and WA
Hugo and Adam third. Scores as follows:
R Pretorius Tess 111
M Trollip Diesel 108
WA Hugo Adam 106
Y Fourie Wimpie 96
A Philip Zap 93
Despite the very trying conditions the event was a success and enjoyable thanks to a
great team effort. A special thank you to Attie and Karen Gunter for the beautiful venue
and sheep and our main sponsors, Optimizor Dog Food and Seeff Real Estate.
Zimbabwe Regional and National Championships
31 August - 1 September 2024

Western Province Sheepdog Club
DOY Trial 5 – 24 & 25 August 2024
Grootvlei Farm, Caledon
For the final event we returned to Grootvlei Farm east of Caledon in the Western Cape. This was a last minute change as the scheduled venue due to host the closing trial had some unforeseen challenges but thankfully Andrew and Pippa Philip stepped in. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and throughout the event we had a strong westerly wind blowing into the handler’s faces. Also, intermittent rain on the first day made being outdoors somewhat unpleasant.
The topdog class had an offset bring, to the left on the first day and to the right on the second. Also, they had to cast left on the first day and right on the second! The right-hand cast on the second day proved quite a challenge as the dogs would take the fence line but would have to bend out at the 300m mark against the lie of the land. Some dogs were to be blown out at that point but with the sound challenges there were a few cross casts.
Despite all these challenges there were a number of very good runs and two qualifications, on the first day Bridget Lloyd qualified out of the junior class with her young dog Joc and on the second Bertus Greeff and Maya qualified out of the senior class.
Thank you for Andrew and Pippa for stepping in at the last minute and our sponsors and once again Optimizor dog food.
Day 1
Beginners (75) : Judge – M Trollip
L Young Chui 39
Juniors (90) : Judge – M Trollip
B Lloyd Joc 77 Q
J vd Vyver Cap 64
R Pretorius Mieke 62
Seniors (100) : Judge – A Gunter
B Lloyd Zac 83
B Greeff Maya 73
J vd Vyver Missy 72
TopDogs (110) : Judge – J vd Vyver
A Philip Zap 99
WA Hugo Mac 98
R Pretorius Tess 93
R Pretorius Penny 93
WA Hugo Sally 92
Day 2
Beginners (75) : Judge : P Philip
L Young Chui 51
Juniors (90) : Judge – P Philip
J vd Vyver Cap 74
R Pretorius Mieke 69
WA Hugo Clyde 69
Seniors (100) : Judge – M Trollip
B Greeff Maya 90 Q
J vd Vyver Missy 87
J vd Vyver Skye 86
TopDogs (110) : Judge – A Gunter
P Strydom Mac 90
H vd Merwe Jem 87
Y Fourie Kwagga 87
WA Hugo Adam 87
WA Hugo Sally 84
Western Province Sheepdog Club
DOY Trial 4 – 21 & 22 August 2024
Kinko Farm, Buffeljagsrivier
The final set of trials for the season was hosted by the Western Province Club. The first was held at Kinko farm about 15kms south-east of the Overberg town of Swellendam. Owner Johan Swart runs a Dormer sheep stud, a large flock of Merinos and also breed Australian Kelpies from top imported lines. The Kelpies work on the farm and Johan also competes with Bourne and Pennie. Pennie is the first Kelpie to have qualified into the topdog class.
For the event we had a fenced round field with a diameter of some 450m. The field had a covering of oats stubble which presented a sound problem with the strong winds. Johan had provided a flock of healthy merino ewes that worked well but would dart offline without any warning making for a number of missed gates. Also, there were two wet patches to either side of the bring-gates so if the sheep were offline they’d be way offline going round the bog! On the second day the wind died down somewhat in the afternoon making for some very good topdog runs as evidenced by the higher scores.
Thank you to Johan and Ingrid Swart for hosting a well-run event and to our sponsors, Optimizor dog food for their continued and very generous support.
Day 1
Juniors (90) : Judge – P Philip
R Pretorius Mieke 64
J vd Vyver Cap 64
B Lloyd Joc 56
Seniors (100) : Judge – M Trollip
A Philip Lin 86
J Swart Bourne 85
B Greeff Maya 79
TopDogs (100) : Judge – A Philip
P Strydom Mac 84
H vd Merwe Jem 81
Y Fourie Kwagga 78
M Trollip Diesel 72
R Pretorius Tess 67
Day 2
Juniors (90) : Judge – M Trollip
R Pretorius Mieke 68
B Lloyd Joc 65
J vd Vyver Cap 63
Seniors (100) : Judge – A Gunter
J Swart Bourne 60
Y Fourie Wimpie 52
J vd Vyver Skye 48
TopDogs (110) : Judge – J vd Vyver
Y Fourie Kwagga 99
P Strydom Mac 96
M Trollip Diesel 95
R Pretorius Penny 92
R Pretorius Tess 89
Western Province Sheepdog Club
DOY Trial – 18 & 19 June 2024
Watergat Farm – Riversdale
After a good wet season the trials field at Watergat farm had a generous covering of grass making the going much softer than usual for the dogs. The field is long and flat, about 250m wide and comfortably allowing for a 400m outrun for the Top Dogs. Host Jurie vd Vyver provided us with a flock of big, strong SA Mutton Merino ewes. The sheep worked really well if they were kept moving with only one or two fighting the dogs. Shedding and penning were a challenge with the ewes glued together in the ring and then at the pen they just stood and had to be pushed carefully by the dogs.
Weather on the first day was ideal in the morning but a gusting wind into the handler’s face came up in the afternoon making things a bit difficult at the top of the field. The second day started with very light rain and a light breeze into the handler’s face in the afternoon. Nevertheless high scores were the order of the day with a number of qualifications. On the first day Sue Harriss qualified out of Juniors into Seniors with her dog Aila, and Attie Gunter qualified out of the Senior class into Top Dogs. On the second day Johan Swart qualified out of Seniors into Top Dogs with his Kelpie, Pennie.
Thanks to our hosts Jurie and Suzette vd Vyver for a well-run trial with good sheep and to once again to our very generous sponsor Optimizor dog foods.
Day 1
Juniors (90) : Judge – M Trollip
S Harriss Aila 81 Q
J vd Vyver Cap 78
B Lloyd Zac 69
Seniors (100) : Judge – I Thompson
A Gunter Zara 93 Q
A Philip Lin 93
B Lloyd Plaidy 88
Top Dogs (110) : Judge – P Philip
A Gunter Connie 97
M Trollip Diesel 96
A Gunter Molly 95
A Philip Zap 94
P Strydom Mac 93
Day 2
Juniors (90) : Judge – A Philip
J Swart Kate 69
B Lloyd Zac 64
B Greeff Togo 60
Seniors (100) : Judge – M Trollip
J Swart Pennie 90 Q
P Philip Nan 90
J vd Vyver Missy 86
Top Dogs (110) : Judge – I Thompson
M Trollip Diesel 106
A Philip Mirk 105
P Strydom Mac 102
P Strydom Kyla 99
A Philip Zac 98
West Coast Sheepdog Club
DOY Trial – 15 & 16 June 2024
Bettiesville Farm – Lamberts Bay
Hugo Louw owns a number of farms in the Lambert’s Bay area. Bettiesville Farm is rented out for potato farming under centre pivots. After harvest, the fields are planted to grazing for a number of years before the potatoes can be planted again. The field for the trial was one of these centre pivot lands some 400m in diameter under planted oats, mainly flat but with a few subtle undulations. Hugo also provided a flock of hoggets for the event. The sheep were not used to dogs at all or being handled in small packets and were very skittish.
Club chairman WA Hugo set up the course with the Top Dogs having an outrun of some 440m. The dogs would have to bend out of the circular pivot land at about 10 or 2 o’clock up a slight rise and through some bushes to get to the set-out. This proved quite a challenge and a number of dogs crossed their cast or had to be stopped and re-directed. The lower scores were indicative of the testing conditions with the more experienced Top Dogs being better equipped to handle the difficult sheep.
Thank you to Hugo Louw for the sheep and the wonderful venue and to hosts WA and Lillibet Hugo for all their arrangements and keeping us well fed. A special thank you to our sponsors Optimizor dog food for their very generous support.
Day 1
Juniors (90) : Judge – A Philip
WA Hugo Clyde 57
J vd Vyver Cap 57
WA Hugo Kaptein 53
Seniors (100) : Judge – M Trollip
A Philip Lin 77
A Gunter Zara 66
P Philip Nan 64
Top Dogs (110) : Judge – P Philip
WA Hugo Mac 92
H vd Merwe Jem 87
WA Hugo Sally 84
A Gunter Connie 82
WA Hugo Adam 67
Day 2
Juniors (90) : Judge – A Philip
WA Hugo Clyde 59
WA Hugo Kaptein 46
L de Waal Vlam 35
Seniors (100) : Judge – M Trollip
J vd Vyver Skye 73
P Philip Nan 72
A Gunter Zara 68
Top Dogs (110) : Judge – J vd Vyver
H vd Merwe Jem 94
WA Hugo Adam 88
M Trollip Diesel 86
A Philip Mirk 83
WA Hugo Mac 82
Midlands Sheepdog Club
DOY Trial 3 & 4 May 2024
Oudelande Guest Farm, Graaff-Reinet
We headed west to the central Karoo town of Graaff-Reinet and then north for 50km to Oudelande Guest Farm for our next set of trials. Wayne Murray and his wife Dianne run a mixed operation on their 5,000 ha (12,500 acres), their main income being from game. Wayne also runs Black Angus cattle and a large flock of Merino sheep. For the event we used a flock freshly shorn ewes that were healthy and strong thanks to the abundance of food following the recent good rains. The field was fairly flat but sloped gently from right to left as one looked up the course. There were also a number of undulations running through caused by the water runoff. Going underfoot was tough with a gravel-like covering and karoo bush.
The first day was rather hectic with the ewes who were accustomed to the terrain taking off at speed and getting gates and straight lines proved a challenge to say the least. The second day proved slightly better.
Thank you to club member Andre Lesch for organising and running the event and to Wayne and Dianne Murray for the use of their venue and sheep. Dianne also provided accommodation and food throughout the two days.
Day 1
Juniors (90): Judge – M Trollip
B Lloyd Zac 72
I Kilpert Jodi 61
A Lesch Peg 55
Seniors (100): Judge – R vd Ruit
A Lesch Jackes 80
P Philip Nan 77
J vd Vyver Missy 75
Top Dogs (100): Judge – P Philip
A Gunter Connie 61
M Trollip Diesel 59
R vd Ruit Pip 54
A Gunter Molly 52
R vd Ruit Hemp 50
Day 2
Juniors (90): Judge – R vd Ruit
A Lesch Peg 73
J vd Vyver Cap 73
B Lloyd Zac 70
Seniors (100): Judge – M Trollip
A Gunter Zara 79
A Lesch Jackes 79
P Philip Nan 78
Top Dogs (110): Judge – P Philip
A Gunter Connie 93
M Trollip Diesel 89
P Strydom Kyla 75
R vd Ruit Hemp 71
P Strydom Mac 68
North-Eastern Cape Sheepdog Club
DOY Trial – 30 April & 1 May 2024
Majuba Farm, Lady Grey
Farm owner Johan Nel leases his land to Piet Strydom who runs a flock of Mutton Merinos. We used two-tooth ewes for the event on a field that allowed for a 400m outrun and was mainly flat but sloped away from the top dog post. The field also had a good covering of long sour veld grass making visibility on the lift difficult. On both days there was a strong wind blowing from the direction of 10 o’clock into the handler’s face which also made it difficult for the dogs to hear. Nevertheless there were good scores with Pierre Strydom and his young dog Roy (from Aled Owen’s Cap AI) qualifying out of the junior class.
Johan’s family kept us well fed throughout the two days and we were also treated to an evening meal at Majuba after the event. Thank you to Johan and Theresa Nel for a well run event, to Piet Strydom for the use of his sheep and to our sponsors. We trust this will become a fixture on a trialling calendar!
Day 1
Juniors (90): Judge – P Philip
P Strydom Roy 76
B Lloyd Zac 76
J Nel Bobby 73
Seniors (100): Judge – R vd Ruit
J vd Vyver Skye 67
P Philip Nan 47
Top Dogs (100): Judge – M Trollip
A Gunter Connie 81
A Gunter Faffa 68
P Strydom Kyla 66
A Gunter Molly 54
R vd Ruit Pip 44
Day 2
Juniors (90): Judge – R vd Ruit
P Strydom Roy 78 Q
J Nel Bobby 74
J vd Vyver Cap 70
Seniors (100): Judge – M Trollip
J vd Vyver Skye 60
P Philip Nan 56
A Gunter Zara 54
Top Dogs (100): Judge – J vd Vyver
A Gunter Faffa 73
P Strydom Mac 72
A Gunter Molly 71
M Trollip Diesel 65
P Strydom Kyla 63
North-West Sheepdog Club
Dog of the Year Trial 6 & 7 April 2024
Lekkerhoek , Bultfontein
Another new venue for the 4th trial of the season. Riana Bezuidenhout and her daughter Michaela farm with MeatMasters in the grasslands of the Free State province in the centre of the country. The field was a large piece of dry marshland making the going soft under foot for the dogs. The ewes for the event were used to dogs, but not being pushed by them as the dogs normally follow the sheep with either Riana or her daughter walking in front. This made the competition really challenging, to get the sheep moving and the away drive was particularly difficult and then the ewes didn’t flow at all.
The first day was really difficult as can been seen with the low scores and we just managed to finish in time before a heavy thunder storm. On the second day we had to wait for a thunder storm to clear before getting going and with only a short time window before the next heavy downpour was expected the times for the classes were shortened and we got a move on. The going was a bit easier as can be seen by the scores.
Thank you to Riana and Michaela and husband Jan for our wonderful Saturday evening meal and a well-run event. We hope this will become a fixture on our trialling calendar. Also, a thank you to Montego Pet Nutrition for sponsoring our prizes.
Zimbabwe Sheepdog Club
Dog of the Year Trial – 20 & 21 March 2024
Steenbokfontein James Farm, Ruwa
This was an exciting trial as a new venue and new sheep! The field was a good one but not fenced in any way and surrounded by hilly woodland that the sheep, who were not accustomed to working dogs, knew very well. As a result, the scores did not reflect the hard work many dogs put in but it was a very good learning experience for handlers and dogs alike. The weather was very hot with temperatures going well into the 30’s on both days and the sheep were dorper-cross ewes of mixed ages.
The second set of trials was once again on Bramber farm, on 23 & 24 March 2024.
Andrew Philip was flown up from the Cape to take care of the judging for both sets of trials.
West Coast Sheepdog Club
DOY Trial – 24 & 25 February 2024
Steenbokfontein Farm – Lamberts Bay
Our traditional season opener at Steenbokfontein, Lamberts Bay was moved from December to February due to availability of sheep. Owner Herman van der Merwe, now retired, has hired out most of his land for potato farming, but runs a number of holiday cottages on the premises. Host WA Hugo manages Herman’s flock of Dorper sheep. With the trial being moved to February, which is out of season, the trialists were able to stay on the premises or very close by, which was very convenient.
The field for the event was a centre pivot pasture that was lying fallow with a covering of sea sand as what little vegetation there was, had been scorched by the heat and recent dry weather. This made the going tough for sheep and dogs. The flock of Dorper ewes used for the event were in really good condition which just seemed to make them more skittish and all the packets pulled heavily to the side of the exhaust. Getting them flowing proved a challenge, penning was the easier part of the course, but shedding and particularly taking a single was really difficult. If the shed or single weren’t taken right away the ewes become more and more velcro’d together. A number of Top Dogs were timed out on the single.
There were however a number of very good runs with WA Hugo and Mac qualifying out of juniors on the first day by winning with a score of 85% or above. Yvan Fourie with his dog Wimpie gained a COM (Certificate of Merit) on the first visit to the post. A COM is awarded to a dog the first time they achieve 70% or more in the junior class and also allows them to enter our national championships. On day 2 Jurie van de Vyver and Skye qualified out of the junior class by winning with a score of 81 and WA Hugo again qualified with his dog Mac, but this time out of the senior class by winning with a score above 90%. A number of the young dogs featured in the placings and qualifications are progeny of Aled Owen’s Cap via imported semen – Mac, Cap, Zara, Nan & Skye took all the placings in the junior and senior classes.
Thanks to Herman van der Merwe of the use of his venue and sheep and to host WA Hugo for all the hard work in making the event successful and enjoyable.
Best Junior – MAC – W.A. Hugo
Best Senior – NAN – P. Philip
Best Top Dog – MIRK – A. Philip
Day 1: SANDVELD Championship
Juniors (90): Judge – Pippa Philip
WA Hugo Mac 82 Q
Y Fourie Wimpie 68 COM
J v d Vyver Cap 64
Seniors (100): Judge – Mark Trollip
A Gunter Zara 75
P Philip Nan 66
Top Dogs (110): Judge – Pippa Philip
A Philip Mirk 95
M Trollip Diesel 94
A Philip Zap 89
WA Hugo Adam 86
Y Fourie Kwagga 85
Day 2: WESKUS Kampioenskap
Juniors (90): Judge – Andrew Philip
J v d Vyver Skye 81 Q
Y Fourie Wimpie 73
J v d Vyver Cap 71
Seniors (100): Judge – Mark Trollip
WA Hugo Mac 92 Q
P Philip Nan 85
J v d Vyver Missy 71
Top Dogs (110): Judge – Pippa Philip
A Philip Mirk 97
A Gunter Faffa 94
M Trollip Diesel 91
J v d Vyver Sissy 87
A Philip Zap 82